


From "Xing-Guang" to "Zhong-Shen": Zhang Weixian's New Drama Life and its Predicaments




邱坤良(Kun-liang CHIU)


張維賢 ; 新劇運動 ; 星光演劇研究會/星光劇團 ; 鐘聲新劇團 ; 歐劍窗 ; Zhang Weixian ; New Drama Movement ; Xing-Guang Theatre Seminar/ Xing-Guang Theatre ; Zhong-Sheng New Theatre ; Ou Jian-Chuang




20期(2017 / 07 / 01)


39 - 63






Taiwan New Drama (xinju, 新劇), which appeared during the Japanese Colonial Period, was the product of modern times. It was the way that the intellectuals at that time judged the colonial politics and superstition of feudalism, and advocated upgrading the culture in an educational and entertaining way. When people talked about the New Drama before and after the war, they would definitely mention the representative figure, Zhang Weixian (1905-1977). Zhang Weixian deserved the title of pioneer of the Taiwan New Drama. Particularly, his two articles, "The General Description of Taiwan New Drama" (〈臺灣新劇史述略〉) and "My Memoirs of New Drama" (〈我的演劇回憶〉), which described his participation in Taiwan New Drama during the Japanese Colonial Period, have developed his own specific statements. Researchers after his time also follow his statements to see his importance in the Taiwan New Drama Movement, and to diagram the performances of the "Xing- Guang Theatre". However, there is no divergence between their collection, quotations and discussion about the research of Zhang Weixian. Zhang's article was published in 1945, the year of Taiwanese White Terror, under the circumstances of "extinguishing the harmful influence of Japanese Colonialism," so there is a question whether there were any taboos influencing his writing. There are still obscurities waiting to be clarified in Zhang's writing. Is there any evidence in accordance with present research which attributes Xing-Guang's performances during 1925-1928 to Zhang Weixian? How were the Xing-Guang's performances produced? Who were the scriptwriters and the director? What was the energy of the theatre and its artistry? Which play can be viewed as his masterpiece? Was there any change of the idea of the Xing-Guang Theatre after it had been surrendered to others? Being one of the members in Tsukiji Little Theatre was one of Zhang Weixian's achievements; what place did he play in Tsukiji Little Theatre, and is there any specific evidence to prove it? These are still puzzles. The research on Zhang Weixian can be viewed as an understanding of the Taiwan New Drama Movement in the Japanese Colonial Period, and we can also discuss the environment of New Drama at that time from the research, moreover, to see the predicaments that were difficult for them to break through.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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