Contemporary American theatre director and playwright Mary Zimmerman began her career in the late 1980s and won a 2002 Tony award for Best Direction for her adaptation of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Her works are embraced by both experimental and mainstream theatre goers. Derived mostly from mythology, her plays emphasize the redemptive power of love, and her narrative is allegorical and poetic. She often engages with an empty space, relying on the narrator's description, performer's body, and the audience's imagination to complete the image. This paper focuses on two of Zimmerman's works: Metamorphoses (1998), and The White Snake (2012), adapted from Roman and Chinese mythology respectively. Treating her as both a director and a playwright, the study attempts to analyze how Zimmerman creates magic in theatre and how she gives contemporary meanings to the old tales. The first part of the paper discusses her theatrical aesthetics. The second part explores her narrative strategy in her adaptations of Metamorphoses and The White Snake.
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