


A Discussion of the Collation of Wang Jilie's Sole Copies of Yuan and Ming Zaju-With a Discussion of Organizing and Collating Theatrical Documents




黃仕忠(Shi-zhong HUANG)


王季烈 ; 《孤本元明雜劇》 ; 戲曲文獻 ; 戲曲劇本 ; 古籍校勘 ; Wang Jilie ; Sole Copies of Yuan and Ming Zaju ; theatrical documents ; theatrical scripts ; collation of ancient documents




26期(2020 / 07 / 01)


1 - 39






The collation of Chinese theatrical documents already began from the time when theatrical scripts were published. These types of performance texts in the Yuan and Ming dynasties were continuously printed, and their format also underwent transformation, until in the late Ming, they had already gradually turned into readers presenting the texts as literature. However, it was just through this type of process of transformation into texts to be read that the possibility of the publisher's editing and revision was opened. Among these, Mr. Zang's Selection of Yuan Plays was the most extreme example. Once the 20^(th) century began, at the end of the Qing and beginning of the Republican era, from the theatrical documents printed by Nuanhong shi to Wu Mei's Samatha Room Anthology of Plays, scholars using modern concepts organized theatrical documents; also, they largely harbored the idea of enhancing their literary qualities and their reading value, or of bringing about a transition involving revisions. In 1939, Wang Jilie was entrusted by Zhang Yuanji with organizing 144 kinds of texts in the Sole Copies of Yuan and Ming Zaju. It was printed in 1941 by Shangwu Yinshuguan publishers. This represented the highest level of collating theatrical texts at that time. It was of great value for later scholars and also attracted people's gratitude. However, if we investigate it with present-day templates and requirements for collation of ancient archives, there are many problems with it. This article selects several stage scripts as examples and finds that there are problems remaining with them that can be classified into around eleven types, to support a discussion. This indicates that concepts and paradigms concerning the collation of theatrical documents show a process of gradual advancement. We hope that through a discussion of Wang Jilie's collated volume, we can recognize shifts that took place in the method of collation of theatrical documents, and provide a source of reference for the collation of vernacular literary documents henceforth.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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