


New Research on the Establishment of the Three-story Theater Stage of "Tongle Yuan" in the "Old Summer Palace"




彭秋溪(Qiu-xi PENG)


圓明園 ; 同樂園 ; 壽安宮 ; 三層戲臺 ; 乾隆二十二年 ; Old Summer Palace ; Tongle Yuan ; Shou'an Palace ; Three-story Theater Stage ; the 22^(nd) year of the Qianlong era




27期(2021 / 01 / 01)


1 - 36






According to records in the documents of Huoji Dang(活計檔), Zou An (奏案), Zouxiao Dang(奏銷檔)-from the Inner Palace of the Qing dynasty-as well as the silk version of Yuanming Yuan Sishi Jing Tu(圓明園四十景圖), it can be seen that the Three-story Theater Stage of "Tongle Yuan"(同樂園)in the "Old Summer Palace" was not constructed in the fourth year of Yongzheng or the early years of Qianlong. In fact, the three-story stage in Tong Le Yuan began to be built approximately in the second lunar month of the 21^(st) year of Qianlong (1756), and was completed between autumn and winter in the 22^(nd) year of Qianlong, a little later than the grand stage in the Chengde Imperial Summer Resort. Before that, there had been a temporary three-story stage in Shou'an Palace(壽安宮)and a perdurable three-story stage in the Chengde Imperial Summer Resort. Therefore, "Tongle Yuan" was not the birthplace of the three-story stage. However, it is necessary to re-examine certain of these issues, such as the historical significance of the temporary three-story in Shou'an Palace, the boom in the building of the three-story stage during the Qianlong era, Zhang Zhao(張照)and the others with the compilation of Quanshan Jinke(勸善金科)and Shengping Baofa(昇平寶筏)under order in the early years of Qianlong, as well as the edition of Quanshan Jinke compiled by the imperial palace and printed in five colors, in order to judge on the basis of examination and make determination of the time of emergence of the three-story stage of Tongle Yuan. So, we still cannot ignore or underestimate the status and value of the three-story stage of Tongle Yuan, for the research on Qing dynasty drama history and the architectural history of "Old Summer Palace".

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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