This paper explores the representation of cyborg Cere in Heroes and Saints (1992) by the Chicana playwright Cherríe Moraga (1952-). The first part of the paper expounds Donna Haraway's conceptualization of the cyborg in "A Cyborg Manifesto" (1991) integrated with the critiques on her essay by Disability Studies scholars. The second section discusses Cere's cyborgian body, lived experience, and political action. Cere, the 18-year-old Chicana who was born with a head but no body after her pregnant mother, Dolores, had worked in the chemically contaminated vineyards. Her head is positioned on her "raite," a rolling, table-like platform which is automated by a button she operates with her chin. Seeing Cere's disability as shame, Dolores does not allow her to leave the house. Cere is determined to have the corpse of her baby niece crucified in the vineyards to make the environmental violence done to her community visible. She thus transforms into La Virgen de Guadalupe to convince her Catholic mother to let her out. She then speaks to the public outside the church, urging them to revolt against the violence rather than accept it passively. Soon after her ritualized speech, Cere proceeds into the vineyards, and is shot down by the helicopter of the police. Her death spurs her people to rush to the vineyards and burn the fields. Finally, the paper concludes that cyborg Cere-destabilizing the boundaries between human-machine, normal/abnormal, and able-disabled and liberated from the traditional limits of the body-acts out posthuman possibility with respect to bodily diversity. Her cyborg body and lived experience become an embodiment of posthuman disability.
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