Taiwan's New Drama during the period of Japanese rule was affected by Amoy Social Education Club's New Drama (also called Civilization Drama), but due to the lack of study of Amoy New Drama, research about how Amoy spread the New Drama into Taiwan has not deepened. This paper aims to portray the panorama of Amoy Social Education Club's New drama movement, and clarify the theater enhancement undertaken by the New Drama promoter, Li Wei Xiu, to indicate the reason Amoy Social Education Club's New Drama movement was different from Shanghai Civilization Drama, which featured more commercial dramatic companies. This paper points out that Amoy Social Education Club's New Drama movement shows three periods: the prosperous New Drama period (1921-1924), the period of decline of New Drama (1924-1928), the period of parallel of New & Old Drama (1928-1938). This is an untypical drama development style that does not resemble the trajectory of development in Shanghai. Because of its relatively peripheral location, and the necessity of seeking municipal government assistance, New Drama in Amoy was taken charge of by the public interest group Amoy Social Education Club, instead of the professional theatre company as in the traditional Shanghai style. When the New Drama declined, the Old Drama was performed by Amoy Social Education Club. At the same time, some club members attended some Modern Drama companies, and contributed their experiences learned in the Amoy Social Education Club. Amoy Social Education Club showed us a new way for a public interest group to lead the New Drama movement and create theatrical variety. Amoy Social Education Club's New Drama movement should be valued in respect to the history of society and culture.