


The Role Played by International Regimes in U.S.-China Trade Bargaining: An Example of the WTO




高佩珊(Pei-Shan Kao)


合作博弈 ; 國際建制 ; 美中關係 ; 相互依賴 ; 世界貿易組織 ; cooperative game ; international regimes ; U.S.-China relations ; interdependence ; World Trade Organization




5卷2期(2012 / 09 / 01)


163 - 182




在美國與中國的關係裡,貿易議題為最敏感與最重要議題之一。隨著雙方貿易往來的日趨密切與活絡,雙方因此產生的貿易歧見與摩擦亦日益嚴重;然而,另一方面,貿易亦大大促進雙方關係往來的穩定與密切。換言之,貿易不單只為美中雙方帶來益處,它所帶來的問題亦使得美中兩國必須加以正視並妥善處理,以避免貿易戰(trade war)的發生。在雙方貿易往來裡,儘管兩國之間始終保持著高度相互依賴的經貿關係,有助於雙方關係維持熱絡;然而,最大的問題是美國對中國的貿易赤字隨著雙方經貿往來的密切,亦呈現逐年增高的趨勢。這一貿易赤字成為美國與全球各國貿易往來的最大赤字,因此成為美中經貿關係裡最大的衝突點之一。在此情況下,若要順利解決這些問題並保持雙方經貿合作的往來,就必須依賴兩國以協商與談判的方式解決衝突。因此,本文研究目的在於檢視國際建制(international regimes)在美中貿易談判中扮演的角色,並以世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,WTO)在解決美中關於智慧財產權爭議所發揮的功能為例,加以探討。過去研究美中關係之學者傾向於分析研究兩國外交關係之變化與發展,然對於雙方危機解決模式之探討或雙方就特一事件進行實質談判之過程則較無著墨,因此本文除檢視過去十年美中雙方經貿往來外,將以國際合作理論探究美中貿易爭端案件,分析雙方問題解決模式及實質博弈過程,期能達到拋磚引玉之效。


Trade, has been considered one of the most sensitive and important issues in U.S.-China relations. Although it has greatly promoted the development of their relations to highly interdependence, it brings many disputes as well. For instance, American's trade deficit with China is the largest in the world, many conflicts hence happened between the two countries. To resolve these problems peacefully, the two countries need to know how to negotiate with one another. Although there have been many scholars in the field of International Relations devoted their works to the research of U.S.-China relations, few of them have tried to analyze their problem-solving models and crisis bargaining. This paper, therefore, wants to examine their negotiation under the World Trade Organization regime. That is to say, this paper wants to investigate the role played by international regimes in U.S.-China relations and applied bargaining theory to analyze the bargaining process. By means of doing this, one can clearly appreciate their role played by international regimes and organizations in U.S.-China bargaining hence help them to resolve problems. Although there have been many disputes happened between the two countries, the issues related to China's poor protection on intellectual property rights is the most sensitive one in U.S.-China trade relations not just before but also after China's accession to the WTO, this study hence wants to use this case as the example to examine the bargaining process.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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