Gu, Lin (顧璘) was the most important poet in Ming Dynasty and wrote a lot of poetry which is famous. It is recorded from ”History of Ming” scholars would follow him after Gu, Lin had been a leader in Tz`u (詞). In addition, the developing of Tz`u is getting better. Gu's Tz`u was effective, however, he has not caught too much attention yet. Therefore, the main of this reporter is researching into the emotion and the life experience of his Tz`u. Gu's Tz`u is divided into five parts including 「Tz`u of seclusion」, 「Tz`u of missing hometown 」, 「Tz`u about touching the heart of history」、「Tz`u of writing the scenery」,「Tz`u as a present」which are related to his life. Besides, there are four aspects to research, which are 「Having history or poetry」, 「Affect by the feature of Qu」, 「the diversity of tune」 because the style of Gu's poetry also influenced others in Ming Dynasty. From this study, there is an identification of Gu's Tz`u.