


Impacts of Climate Disaster on Public Health and Mental Health in Rural Taiwan




王俊豪(Jiun-Hao Wang)


氣候災害 ; 農村地區 ; 公共衛生 ; 心理健康 ; Climate disaster ; rural area ; public health ; mental health




7卷1期(2014 / 03 / 31)


1 - 31






Taiwan is annually afflicted by climate disasters, mainly typhoons and recognized as a relatively high-risk global hotspot by the World Bank. The aim of this study is to examine how the climate disaster affects perceptions of public health and mental health status among the victims of Typhoon Morakot and Typhoon Fanapi in rural areas. Using a representative survey of Typhoon victims in south Taiwan, an interval sampling design and two-stage multiple regression model was employed in the survey, we find compelling evidence that the effect of damaged experience of Typhoon disasters on the perception of environmental health risk is higher than those who dose not have property loss due to Typhoon disasters. In addition, those who were victims of Typhoon disaster, aged 65 and over, with farm size between 0.5-1 hectare, and with damaged houses significantly increases the feelings of disaster severity, compared with their counterparts. Futhermore, the empricial results show that the the feeling of severity of environmental pollution and non-communicable physical injuries and illness is positively associated with post-disaster mental health status. The main policy implications of this study can be suggested that properly measures handling with environmental sanitation and pollution problems, and recovery damaged houses should be top priority for post-disaster public health and mental health issues.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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