


Displacement of "Treatment" and "Enclosure": The Ten Articles of Mo-Tse's Theory's Characteristics and the Discourse Dilemma




陳弘學(Hung-Hsueh Chen)


墨子 ; 墨家 ; 墨學十論 ; 先秦諸子 ; 先秦哲學 ; Mo-Tse ; Mohist School ; the ten articles ; scholars of pre-Qin Dynasty ; pre-Qin philosophy




9卷1期(2016 / 03 / 31)


1 - 30






"Treatment (of the world)" refers to provision of a definite solution to a concrete problem; it has universal effect with non-nature tendency(非本質的傾向), and the solution itself is not always the value subject. With respect to "enclosure (of the claims in the theory)", it signifies the possibility of internal perfection in the theory; that is, divergent discourses from various realms can converge into the same value for generation of a theory that is self-being and supportive, and exclusive to outer forces to prevent from different theories' attacks and synthesis. This thesis establishes the concepts of "treatment (of the world)" and "enclosure (of the claims in the theory)", both are the general criticism of Mo-Tse's Theory, and the critical points to interpret the inner causes of Mo-Tse's Theory's success and failure. A mature thinking system requires a "treatment" strategy for the thinker to exert anytime as well as the "enclosure" of claims with transcendent implications. Apparently, Mo-Tse's Theory represents characteristics of "treatment" and "enclosure", which are the main reasons that it could be flourished in Warring States. However, it is a pity that the displacement of discourse of "treatment" and "enclosure" led to Mo-Tse's Theory to decline quickly in Han Dynasty. Mo-Tse demonstrated the question of "enclosure" by "treatment"; in contrast, he endowed power of "enclosure" on question of "treatment". As a result, the theory lacks profoundness, the original meanings had changed as it had been exerted in different usage, and therefore the utilization space had become more and more limited. As time goes by, Mo-Tse's Theory eventually exits the stage of history and culture due to the dynamics of its thoughts stagnates internally.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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