
Freud on Shakespeare: An Approach to Psychopathetic Characters






邱錦榮(Chin-Jung Chiu)


莎士比亞 ; 佛洛伊德 ; 精神分析 ; 心理病態 ; 奧賽羅 ; Shakespeare ; Freud ; Psychoanalysis ; Psychopathology ; Othello




5卷1期(2012 / 04 / 01)


33 - 56




佛洛伊德(1856-1939)在其精神分析的著作中,信手拈來俱是文學案例。受到十九世紀歐陸人文教育的薰陶,佛氏自幼浸淫於歐洲古典文學。佛洛伊德於維也納大學獲得醫學博士,之後以自然科學的研究方法,自「神經醫學」(Neurology)另闢蹊徑。佛洛伊德從精神病症和夢的解析出發,在尋求臨床治療的途徑時,也同時開啟無意識的探索,試圖以語言描繪這個解剖學完全看不見的領域,揭開人類心智深層結構的運作機制。佛氏八歲開始讀莎士比亞,尤其鍾情莎翁的戲劇,對於其中人物往往視同診間個案,推敲琢磨人物的心理狀態、動機、依附關係等。佛氏吸收文學家對人的心理與行為的呈現和詮釋,擷取文學作品(尤其是戲劇文學)的素材,因此精神分析的理論在建構之初就納入了文學案例。文學與精神分析的共同點在於:它們都是人類生存的敘事。作為閱讀文學作品的工具,精神分析擅長於發現潛在文本或次文本 (Subtext),窺視角色人物的心理、動機,瞭解人際之間的依附與衝突,乃至於追溯創作者的心懷意念。佛氏對莎劇的論述,除了最著名也極具爭議的哈姆雷特「伊底帕斯情結」之外,關於其他的病理性角色亦有相當著墨,如李爾王、馬克白、理查三世等。受到佛洛依德〈舞台上的病理性角色〉(1915)一文的啟發,本文試圖耙梳佛氏討論莎翁個別劇本與人物的相關論述,篩選出五齣佛氏曾經聚焦分析的劇作,討論莎翁描繪病理性角色的精湛之處。佛氏於四大悲劇中的三齣都有評論,獨於《奧賽羅》,幾無隻字片語可尋。個人以晚近精神醫學的「奧賽羅症候群」為論點,嘗試對佛氏於此劇的緘默做一微小補白。


What happens when the fictional characters of Shakespeare are transformed from the stage/page to the analyst's couch? Sigmund Freud's interest in literature permeates all his work and much of his life. His lively and informative views on Shakespeare, scattered throughout his works, are indeed a fascinating topic. This paper attempts to trace Freud's analytical approach to Shakespeare in general and his observations of psychopathetic characters in five plays-Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice, King Lear, Macbeth and Richard III. While Freud refers to Shakespeare frequently in his writings, there is an obvious missing link in the Freudian Shakespeare; among Shakespeare's four major tragedies, he leaves Othello out. Aiming at filling out Freud's silence about a major Shakespeare play, I will attempt a short disquisition on Othello. The paper will end with an examination of psychoanalysis as a critical tool.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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