In addition to human rights, trade issues have been considered one of the most sensitive issues in U.S.-China relations. Following with their close and active trade contacts and exchanges, more and more trade disputes have occurred. For example, now the United States is the largest trading partner of China; according to the data from US Department of Commerce, the bilateral trade amount was $503 billion in 2011. However, US trade deficit with China also reached $295.4 billion. The two countries therefore have had serious debates on trade issues. How to avoid the occurrence of trade war depends on their negotiation. Therefore, this paper attempts to examine their trade bargaining under the WTO regime to see the resolution of states' trade disputes. As there are many trade conflicts happened between the two countries, this paper will take the negotiation on Chinese car tires as a case study. This study aims to observe closely states' bargaining under the WTO by means of analysing the process of their negotiation and consultations.
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