


A Study on the Implementation of Trans-disciplinary Education at the University


陳竹亭(Jwu-Ting Chen);唐功培(Kung-Pei Tang)


高等教育 ; 跨科際教育 ; 跨科際 ; 界領域 ; 多領域 ; Higher Education ; Trans-disciplinary Education ; Trans-disciplinarity ; Inter-disciplinarity ; Multi-disciplinarity




6卷2期(2013 / 10 / 01)


159 - 195






This articlefirst covers a literature survey on multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary research with a reflection on the nature of higher education based on current systems for academic disciplines. Instead of the discipline-based knowledge-taxonomy, many scholars like J. Piaget or E. Jantsch. addressed on the definitions or conceptual contents in the multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary approaches for knowledge organization. This paper also covers some characteristic cases for these three cross-cutting disciplinary programs, either in research or education.This work also attempts to set the arguments for understanding trans-disciplinary education (TDE) serving as a guiding percept in higher education of the coming era. The questions inquired include: Why the trans-disciplinarity is raised for the current university policies. What are the distinct and common contents between TDE and multior inter-disciplinary research in the universities. Under the guiding principle of TDE, what amendments will be made to the university policies? How will the didactic method change accordingly?The TDE claims to organize knowledge without drawing discipline boundary. The integration of trans-disciplinary knowledge ought to facilitate the faculty members to fulfill the education-, research- and service-tasks in more effective manners. The mindset of TDE directly links the professional development to the critical or important real societal issues. With the TDE, education and research can be benefitted with co-constructed framework.In the trans-disciplinary SHS program in Taiwan, the quest aims at that the students along with faculty face the challenges from the complicated real-world problems. The course clusters organized and led by the cross-faculty team, with the approach of problem-based learning or inguiry-based learning are encouraged. In order to establish and sustain the community in TDE, the working platforms with cooperative functions, such as courses, summer camp, internet and communication, teacher training. are proposed to share collaborative work.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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