
從Art in Motion: Quick Step 的中譯看翻譯新趨勢:專業翻譯


Professional Translation as New Tendency of Translation: The Translation of Art in Motion: Quick Step into Mandarin as an Example


孫順智(Shun-Chih Sun)


專業翻譯 ; 標準舞 ; 移動 ; Professional Translation ; Ballroom Dancing ; Art in Motion




9卷1期(2016 / 04 / 01)


1 - 26




翻譯理論的發展迄今,可劃分為四個階段:(一)語文學派/文藝學派翻譯階段;(二)語言學翻譯理論階段;(三)文化翻譯階段;(四)專業翻譯階段。語文學派/文藝學派著重主觀的創造性,認為翻譯是一種藝術。以接受美學為取向,認為翻譯語言是藝術創造的產物。語言學翻譯理論早期著重於文法,後轉重於語義,再轉變為著重語用,語用翻譯是要打破語言表面結構的對譯,強調溝通情境中訊息的意義與功能。文化翻譯階段著重於不同文化間的資訊轉換,對於以作者為中心的異化與以讀者為中心的歸化視情況加以運用。歸化的意思是,將譯文融入本土的文化,為原文找出對等的表達,目的為使譯文通順,能為大多讀者所接受;而異化則是,照著原文翻,保留原文的外國風情,使不同文化間的交流得以進行。專業翻譯階段則強調翻譯是獨立的學科,翻譯是一種專門的職業,翻譯必須著重於各個不同領域的專業知識,使翻譯與其它學科作跨學科合作的科際整合。專業翻譯階段是當今翻譯的新趨勢。對於法政、財經、新聞、科技、環保、舞蹈各方面需有起碼的知識與能力才易掌握各該專業的翻譯。翻譯學界的翻譯,在標準舞專業翻譯方面,目前剛在起步的階段。翻譯學者對標準舞方面有造詣者寥寥無幾,而標準舞者對翻譯方面有造詣者亦鳳毛麟角。筆者對翻譯學以及標準舞皆有涉獵,故擬以世界職業摩登舞1999、2000 與2001冠軍巴瑞奇(Luca and Loraine Baricchi)的Art in Motion: Quick Step 中譯為例,以「內容精確取向態度」,從翻譯的宏觀面與微觀面,配合標準舞專業知識與能力加以論述,以見專業翻譯的重要性。


The development of translation theories can be divided into four periods: (1) the period of literature theory of translation, (2) the period of linguistics theory of translation, (3) the period of culture theory of translation, and (4) the period of professional theory of translation. During the period of literature theory of translation, translators paid special attention to the art and aesthetics of translation. During the period of linguistics theory of translation, translators paid attention to the transfer of grammar, then to the language meaning, and finally to pragmatic linguistics. During the period of culture theory of translation, translators emphasized the transfer of cultural messages with debates on authors-centered domestication translation strategy and readers-centered foreignization translation strategy with balance between them. And during the period of professional theory of translation, translators paid special attention to the acquirement and application of professional knowledge and ability. The professional theory of translation is the current tendency for translators. The translators had better have professional knowledge and ability for the translation fields, such as laws and politics, finance and economy, mass media, science and technology, environment, and even ballroom dancing in each respect so as to be competent in translation. In the field of the translation of international ballroom dancing, it is just the beginning with few translators at the same time being the good dancers. I have knowledge of translation as well as ballroom dancing, and hence I choose to translate Art in Motion Quick Step (by Luca and Lorraine Baricchi, champions of International Modern Ballroom Dancing 1999, 2000, 2001) "with content accuracy translation attitude" through both the macro and the micro translation methods with the knowledge and ability of ballroom dancing to show the importance of professional knowledge and ability to professional translation.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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