


From "A Pair of Embroidered Pillows" and "A Pleated Skirt" to "A Piece of Sky": Women's Issues in the Core Curriculum


林美清(Mei-Ching Lin)


現代小說 ; 30年代 ; 80年代 ; 女性 ; Modern Fiction ; 1930s ; 1980s ; Women




10卷1期(2017 / 04 / 01)


71 - 96




長庚大學通識教育中心從102 學年度起推出「核心課程」(Core Curriculum),「文學中的現代軌跡」即屬於項下人文領域的一門課程,主要講授的內容為現代小說,而女性議題為此課程規劃的主題之一。每學期約進行十次的分組報告,就篇章與單元議題進行口頭報告後再開放討論。最後,則由授課教師與教學助理進行總結。在「30 年代女性小說」的主題中,除了既定規劃的文本外,特別安排學生閱讀凌叔華、林海音等女性作家的作品。小說呈現出1930 年代的社會現象,表達出對女性命運的關注,進而揭示造成婦女不幸命運的原因和背景,以及舊時代女性內心追求但卻落空的自我價值。而在「80 年代女性小說」的主題中,以袁瓊瓊〈自己的天空〉最具代表意義。此篇亦為1980 年《聯合報》文學獎的小說得獎作品,自問世後,篇名幾乎成為女性自覺的代名詞,勉勵著女性要從第二性、附屬品和生育工具的逆勢處境中走出來,找尋屬於自己的天空。在這兩個單元中各有指定小說文本及相關論文,學生先進行分組報告與討論。待各組報告完畢,再進行思辨性之課堂討論。除了各組進行回饋意見的書寫與彙整,繼續進行思辨性討論。討論則由學生自行設計題目,教學助理也會視情形拋問小說中與現代社會相關的議題。「30 年代女性小說」與「80年代女性小說」兩次思辨性之課堂討論,恰可結合「性別角色」與「時代」蛻變之課題,使學生得以透過文學視窗,觀察「性別」在現代化過程中的蛻變與軌跡,符應課程之教學目標,從兩個學年的課程實施過程裡,取得了相當良好教學的成效。


The Center for General Education at Chang Gung University launched "Core Courses" (Core Curriculum) in the academic year of 2013. Modern fiction is a core course categorized into humanities subjects. It teaches the appreciation and interpretation of modern Chinese fictions by focusing on the theme of women. During the course, students are divided into ten groups for group reports. Their group reports have to show their understanding and interpretation of fictions, and how they can be read in relation to the theme of women. Fictions that are covered in the course are divided according to different periods. These include women's fictions in the 1930s and in the 1980s. For fictions in the 1930s, attention is brought to texts such as those by Shu-Hua Ling and Hai-Yin Lin. Their works reflect women's fate and reasons for women's plight in that period. For fictions of the 1980s, Chiung-Chiung Yuan's work My Own Sky can be considered highly representative. It won the 1980 United Daily News Literature Prize for fictions. The title of the fiction has almost become synonymous with women's awakening. The fiction encourages women to step out of the stereotypes of second sex, accessories and tool for childbearing so that they will be able to pursue a piece of their own sky. The discussion of works in these two different periods are just examples showing how the course enhances students' understanding of modern Chinese fictions and women's issues. Group reports followed by feedbacks from fellow classmates, teacher and teaching assistant reinforce students' interest and confidence in forming their own interpretative strategies. The course aims to prompt students to reconsider through the window of literature, women's issues and the changes in women's status in the society from the 1930s to the 1980s. After teaching the course for two years, I believe the overall result shows that the teaching goal of the course has been effectively achieved.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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