


Nature and Culture in Ecotourism: A Case Study in San-Chan, Hualien




陳毅峰(Yi-Fong Chen)


三棧 ; 生態旅遊 ; 永續性 ; 政治生態學 ; 自然 ; 傳統生態知識 ; ecotourism ; political ecology ; San-Chan ; sustainability ; traditional ecological knowledge ; TEK




1卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


83 - 105






This paper studies the incipient development of ecotourism and its socio-cultural impacts in San-Chan, near the Taroko National Park, Hualien County. Ethnic and cultural awareness has led the local Taroko people to engage in a series of struggles to establish a partnership with the state for the primary goal of sustainable development. Employing theories of political ecology, a radical branch of human geography, to explore the relationship between the development of ecotourism and traditional ecological knowledge, the paper provides a broad perspective on the interactions of society and nature in the practice of ecotourism among Taiwan’s indigenous communities.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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