


Improving Indigenous Taiwanese Language-learning Programs through the Study of Korean-Japanese Ethnic Schools: An Analysis Based on Teaching Materials, Teachers and Curricula




雅幼滋.娜白(Yayuc Napay)


原住民族 ; 民族學校 ; 族語教育 ; Indigenous Peoples ; ethnic school ; language-learning program




1卷3期(2008 / 09 / 01)


149 - 173






The transmission of indigenous languages was much hampered by the ”Mandarin Policy” that was implemented by the Chinese in 1945 when sovereignty of Taiwan was ceded from the Japanese Empire to the Republic of China. In 1956 the problem was further exacerbated when the ROC government stipulated a rule that made Mandarin the official public language. As a result of this ”single language” policy, the transmission of indigenous languages has been severely hindered.In order to preserve these precious indigenous languages, a language-learning program for Indigenous Taiwanese has been in place since the 1990's. Also an ”Indigenous Language Certification” was created, which over time has become an important index for the academic evaluation of indigenous students. However, even although small progress has been made, this language-learning program and certification system are at present still in need of improvement.In this article I will explore possible improvements to the Taiwanese indigenous language-learning program by looking at the example of Korean-Japanese ethnic schools in Japan. Through analysis of teaching materials, teachers and curricula, I will examine the way in which these schools deal with language education. Although there are many differences between Korean-Japanese and Indigenous Taiwanese as far as their historical, political, economical and cultural backgrounds are concerned, I think that the successful Korean-Japanese example of setting up ethnic schools from kindergarten to graduate school in order to safeguard the transmission of the Korean language is worth considering as a possible model for the reorganization of Indigenous Taiwanese educational policy.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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