
幽默感能解決原住民族的工作壓力嗎?─ 社會資本的中介角色


The Mediation Effect of Social Capital between Humor and Work Stress-Based on the Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan




卓明德(Ming-Te Cho)


原住民 ; 幽默感 ; 社會資本 ; 工作壓力 ; Indigenous Peoples ; humor ; social capital ; work stress




2卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


163 - 190






This article investigated how indigenous adjusted to work stress that had not been widely discussed in literature. It seemed that there was the fake relationship between humor and work stress from the literature. Given this context we set out to (a) discuss humor and social capital impact work stress negatively and (b) explore the mediation effects of social capital on the relationship between humor and work stress.For testing the hypothesis, the research was conducted by purposive sampling and adopted factor analysis and multiple regressions. The result indicated that individual with high level of humor and social capital would affect work stress in opposite direction. Besides, social capital might have the partial mediation effect on the relationship between humor and work stress. Indigenous should inspire sense of humor in workplace and realize how humor mitigated work stress through social capital. The findings also gave some insight to construct theory on the relationship between humor, social capital and work stress. A few limitations should be noted in relation to this study for future studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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