


Changes "We Group" by "the Others": The Practice of the Indigenous Peoples' Subjectivity in Taiwan Indigenous Television




林福岳(Fu-Yueh Lin)


原住民傳播 ; 主體性 ; 原住民族電視台 ; 族群傳播 ; 傳播權 ; indigenous people communication ; subjectivity ; Taiwan Indigenous Television (TITV) ; ethnic group communication ; communication right




3卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


131 - 162






One of the major issues Taiwan indigenous peoples face in the communication environment is representing as ”the others” since long continuously by, are unable to present subjectivity. But the communication academic community still hadn't presented the literature which discuss about what is communication subjectivity about the indigenous peoples. This research will study the question to divide into two parts: 1. what is so-call ”communication subjectivity of the indigenous peoples”? What does communication subjectivity refer to? 2. How do the indigenous peoples communication subjectivity to display in the practical working field? What is the concept of the indigenous peoples communication subjectivity of the indigenous peoples television station staffs practice the communication subjectivity by their working process? Indigenous people's media workers represent their subjectivity because of the media, is not only expresses the viewpoint and the value of tribal groups, they must realize the fact which is the whole media environment dominate by the mainstream media simultaneously. They need to try all the possibilities of expressing their subjectivity, to excavate the strategy of contending the mainstream discuss, attempts to demonstrate the position of self-expression and the right of self-interpretation. Therefore, the Indigenous peoples must use the professional media capability to construct the accurate text for representing themselves, practices the process unceasingly by the media, on the one hand locates for the value of indigenous peoples' subjectivity; on the other hand also unfolds their intention and ability of meaning interpretation to the society.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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