


Indigenous Intellectual Creations and Sui Generis: A Critical Interpretation of the New Protection Act for the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples




黃居正(Chu-Cheng Huang)


『原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例』 ; 特殊權利 ; 『原住民族基本法』 ; 多元文化主義 ; 時際法 ; Protection Act for Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples ; sui generis ; Indigenous Peoples Fundamental Law ; multiculturalism ; inter-temporal law




3卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


11 - 46






The new Protection Act for the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples purporting to ascertain the exclusive right to such a creation, is a sui generis system parallel to the civil law IPs, and also a group right entitled to respective tribe or section of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan. Notwithstanding the protection and enhancement of the development of indigenous cultural creations, the new Act is way ahead on both the range and means of protection assured by the Amendments to the Constitution and the Indigenous Fundamental Law. I. e., the Act has established itself as a completely new sui generis system parallel to the civil law property. Such a new Act, which without precedent introduces the sui generis into a non-lineal pattern of constitutional paradigm, is expected to trigger heavy struggles over the issues pertaining to multiculturalism, parallel property system and the principle of inter-temporal law, and consequently affect the application of the indigenous cultural creations per se. This article is therefore intending to examine the presuppositions based upon which the Act is promulgated, so to reflect the incompatibility of current single value system used to support the civil law property, and to reach out possible solutions compromising the said struggles.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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