This paper discusses an experiment which took place in an aboriginal elementary school, focusing on the Life Curriculum and Science and Technology classes. The experiment involved 130 aboriginal students and 38 pre-service teachers who connected aboriginal culture to the existing science curriculum. After undergoing training and extensive discussion about curriculum design, six major curriculum projects were developed and subsequently carried out. The project also involved evaluation aimed at understanding students study experiences during the project, as well as student reactions to the project. Based on prior discussion and professional training, as well curriculum design, implementation, and evaluation, this research project discovered that it is feasible to integrate aboriginal cultural heritage and science wisdom into the school science curriculum. Students were able to quickly grasp the topics presented in the curriculum, and showed a high level of enjoyment in the process. Teaching materials which were closely related to students' daily lives also inspired students to further explore scientific principles and built students' confidence levels. Stories, folk songs, and localized teaching materials and the ”hands-on” curriculum acted as an important channel for introducing aboriginal culture into the science curriculum. Finally, this paper also raises some development strategies and research questions related to the integration of aboriginal culture into the science curriculum.
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