


Indigenous Community Governance: a case study of Village K




包正豪(Cheng-Hao Pao)


社區治理 ; 地方政治 ; 社會資本 ; 集體行動 ; community governance ; local politics ; social capital ; collective action




5卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


73 - 98






A community is traditionally regarded as an internally homogenous unit. Therefore, it is theoretically assumed that public-private partnership and the involvement of professional organizations, together with the apportioning of external resources can effectively promote the practice of community governance. However, it is hard to find successful cases of community governance in Taiwan. This research therefore argues that the prerequisite for successful community governance is the establishment of social capital which connects community members and encourages them to take collective actions.Indigenous people are a socially and economically disadvantaged minority in Taiwan. Although recently the government has provided considerable resources to indigenous communities, we have still not seen the development of indigenous communities or the practice of indigenous community governance. As a result, this research chose Village K– an indigenous community with an unsuccessful experience of local governance– as the research case, in order to explore how an indigenouscommunity establishes social capital, the inherent difficulties in doing so, and the strategies the community should take to move forward. Meanwhile, this research also intends to clarify the influence of the allocation of external resources on community governance.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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