Under the School-Based Experimental Education Act, the Government has enlisted dozens of schools to conduct projects related to indigenous experimental education since 2016, but community participation has not been integrated into these projects. Taking reference from the tribally controlled schools in the United States, the schools can be overtaken by tribal public juristic persons according to the newly amended Indigenous Peoples' Basic Law. This paper explores the historical background and development of the titles associated with self-determination and tribally controlled schools in the Indigenous Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act in the United States as well as implications for indigenous experimental education in Taiwan. The findings were as follows. The United States Federal Government signed treaties with Native American tribes, originally sovereign entities, to provide a service of trust in exchange for a large amount of land. Tribe members claimed self-determination in the 1960s after decades of oppression under assimilation policies. Congress again recognized the sovereignty of the tribes and promulgated the Indian Self-Determination Act in 1975, mandating that the Federal Government transfer the control of education and service programs to tribes with contracts. However, because of the continual resistance of the Federal Government to the transfer of power, Congress further promulgated Titles III, IV, V, and VI of the Indian Self-Determination Act and the Tribally-Controlled Schools Act to ensure maximal tribal participation. In terms of implications for Taiwan, the policy of tribal public juristic persons should be viewed as a turning point for indigenous peoples regarding the establishment of tribally controlled schools with the right to self-governance. The government should select potential tribes from the communities served by the schools participating in indigenous experimental education projects and help them to establish contracts with municipal governments to obtain control over the schools. By these means, indigenous experimental education can be developed based on the tribes' right to self-governance.
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