


Exploring the Governing Institutions of Wildlife Resources in an Indigenous Community: A Case Study of Taromak, Taitung, Taiwan




羅晴(Ching Lo);盧道杰(Dau-Jye Lu)


共有資源 ; 社會生態系統架構 ; 魯凱族 ; 原住民狩獵 ; 野生動物資源治理 ; 社會與文化連結 ; Common-pool resources ; Social-Ecological System Framework ; Ru-Kai ; Indigenous Hunting ; Wildlife Resource Governance ; Social and Cultural Linkage




14卷1期(2021 / 12 / 01)


89 - 126






It was a case study of sustainable use on wildlife resources in Taromak, a Rukai community in East Taiwan. We adopted the qualitative approach, used literature review, participant observation and interview to collect information in the fields, and applied the Social-Ecological System Framework by Ostrom (2007) to analyze its governing institutions on wildlife resources. The field work was mainly conducted from August 2017 to February 2019, which involving in 33 occasions by participant observation and interviews for 20 informants with totally 57 records. The results showed that Taromak people claimed their territory by negotiating or combating with other tribes at its autonomy age before the middle of Japanese ruling period. Then, in the tribe, people divided the hunting fields by families. Individual resource use was limited by local calendar and divination. Nowadays, the road crossing the village played a key role to limit outsiders to access wildlife resources by the road, although there have been big social change for the Taromak community. Also local hunters self-controlled numbers of people to enter the hunting fields and the timing to walk through the hunting paths which maintained safety, efficiency and volume of hunting, though privatization been applied in the hunting fields in the tribe. Analyzing by the governing system aspect, the enduring inherited man house (Alakua) system (network) has being the supportive institutions of hunting by hunters with local knowledge and the monitoring mechanism of relevant social norms. Different to general economic incentives, local social and cultural needs on prey also played a key role to maintain and sustain operation of governing institutions for wildlife resources in Taromak. Based on results of this study, it was argued that the recent self-hunting project initiated by the Forestry Bureau had weaker links with communities, and higher transaction cost. We suggested that multi-governance shall be introduced for the debates of indigenous hunting.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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