


The Mechanism of Interaction in Action Learning Group


徐綺穗(Chi-Sui Hsu)


行動學習 ; 教師行動學習團體 ; 反思 ; action learning ; action learning group ; reflection




30期(2013 / 11 / 01)


1 - 40






The purpose of the research is to construction the mechanism of interaction in action learning group, including the theoretical concepts, the flow procedure of reflection, feedback, and empathy in the action learning group meeting, and the main points in practice. Qualitative research methodology had been employed in this research.The results are as follows:1) The theoretical concepts including action learning, group dynamic, and humanism.2) There are nine elements in the flow procedure of the mechanism of interaction in the action learning group. It displays that the interaction between actions and reflections, also between presentation, feedback, and empathy in the procedure.3) There are three main points in practice. First, making teachers understand the concepts and practice of action learning. Secondly, activating members' dialogue through feedback, empathy, leading to more deep reflections. Finally, the roles of presenter, facilitator and member in the action learning group need behave the role behaviors effectively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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