


The Relationship between Technology Leadership and Innovation Management-The Mediating Effect of Organizational Learning


黃靖文(Jing-Wen Huang);方翌(I Fang)


科技領導 ; 創新經營 ; 組織學習 ; Technology leadership ; Innovation management ; Organizational Learning




31期(2014 / 05 / 01)


39 - 79






Educational organizations need to develop innovation management and organizational learning to adapt to environment turbulence. School leaders can develop technology leadership to integrate knowledge and resource to achieve innovation management. This study examines the relationships between technology leadership, innovation management, and organizational learning. In addition, recent scholars have paid attention to the issue of exploratory learning and exploitative learning. This study attempts to examine the potential mediating effect of organizational learning. Hypotheses are proposed and then examined through structural equation model. The results show that there are significant and positive relationships between research variables. This study demonstrates that organizational learning plays the mediating role in affecting the relationships between technology leadership and innovation management. Finally, conclusions and implications are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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