


An Investigation on the Users' Using Status and Satisfaction with Assistive Technology for Mobility: The Case of Borrowing Devices from the Special Education Resource Center in Kaoshiung


洪琉萍(Liu-Ping Hung);曾明基(Ming-Ji Tzeng)


使用現況 ; 特教資源中心 ; 國小身心障礙學生 ; 移行類輔具 ; 輔助科技滿意度 ; assistive devices for mobility ; Special Education Resource Center ; students with disabilities in the elementary school ; using status ; level of satisfaction




34期(2015 / 11 / 01)


121 - 183




本研究以「台灣版魁北克輔具使用者滿意度量表(T-QUEST)」改編而成的「移行類輔助科技滿意度調查表」,訪談與問卷調查特殊學生30 人次與特教老師54 人次,探討該中心借出之移行類輔助科技滿意度與使用現況。以李克氏五點量尺(5 代表非常滿意)評量各題項之滿意度與重要性,經統計分析結果如下:(一)對輔具滿意度介於非常滿意與滿意間(學生4.06/教師4.16),對服務滿意度介於滿意與沒意見間(學生3.67/教師3.69),對輔助科技滿意度則偏向滿意(學生3.91/教師4.00);(二)輔具使用的重要性考量以安全性和穩固性最為重視(學生86.7%/教師72.2%);(三)輔具服務最不滿意的項目為服務流程/程序(學生3.33/教師3.62);(四)輔具使用頻率平均值為4.48,偏向每天使用;(五)輔具使用之棄用率為3.7%;(六)借用輔具需求平均值為4.35,介於非常需要與需要間。


This study investigated the users' using status and satisfaction with the loaned assistive devices for mobility from the Special Education Resource Center in Kaoshiung through the questionnaire and interviews based on the Taiwanese of Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology ( i.e. T-Quest ) . 54 questionnaires were distributed to teachers and 30 to students. Findings, from the analysis of means and the items on dissatisfaction from interviews, are as follows: (a) The level of satisfaction with assistive devices for mobility from teachers and students ranged between very satisfied and satisfied. Their level of satisfaction on the service itself ranged between satisfied and no comment. The overall satisfaction level concluded as satisfied. (b) Regarding the order of importance to students and teachers, "safety and stability" ranked the top. (c) Most teachers and students complained the procedures/steps of service. (d) The average frequency of use with assistive devices for mobility was 4.48 with the preferred use being daily use. (e) The frequency of abandonment assistive devices for mobility was 3.7%. (f) The average of needs to loan the assistive devices for mobility from the Special Education Resource Center in Kaoshiung was 4.35 with the urgency ranging between need and need desperately.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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