
學生對於數學教師教學看法與數學焦慮之關聯性-以PISA 2012臺灣學生為例


The Relationship between Students' Viewpoints of Math Teachers and Math Anxiety -Take PISA 2012 Taiwanese Students as an Example


陳姿螢(Tzu-Ying Chen)


PISA ; 教師風格 ; 數學焦慮 ; 潛在類別分析 ; PISA ; Teaching Style ; Math Anxiety ; Latent Class Analysis




39期(2018 / 05 / 01)


55 - 85




本研究資料以PISA 2012學生調查問卷為主,研究對象為臺灣15歲參加PISA 2012之學生,有效人數為3976人。以學生對於數學教師教學看法為自變項,數學焦慮為依變項,進行後續研究,目的為探討不同類型看法之學生對於數學焦慮之差異。本研究使用潛在類別分析,將學生對於數學教師教學看法分為三類,分別為:「低幫助低關懷取向」、「高幫助高關懷取向」、「高幫助低關懷取向」,而研究結果顯示「高幫助低關懷取向」看法之學生,其平均數學焦慮程度較高,而「高幫助高關懷取向」觀感之學生,其平均數學焦慮程度較低。希望能夠從此研究了解這兩者之關聯性,並能運用至教學現場中。


This research mainly focuses on the PISA 2012 student questionnaire, which targets 15-year-old Taiwanese students who joined the PISA 2012 as the research object, with an effective number of 3976 participants. Taking the students' viewpoints of math teachers as independent variables and mathematical anxiety as the dependent variable to do the following research, the purpose is to explore the differences among students who have different types of viewpoints on mathematical anxiety. This research uses Latent Class Analysis to classify students' viewpoints of math teachers into three categories: "low help low enthusiasm orientation," "high help high enthusiasm orientation" and "high help low enthusiasm orientation". The results show that students who are treated by "high help low enthusiasm orientation" teacher have higher extent of mathematical anxiety on average, whereas students who are treated by "high help high enthusiasm orientation" teacher have lower extent of mathematical anxiety on average. We hope to understand the relationship between the mathematical anxieties and the students' viewpoints of math teachers, and thus applied this finding to the teaching scene.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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