


On the effect and dispute of the open class in mainland China from the perspective of teachers' professional development


吳振興(Zhen-xing Wu)


公開觀課 ; 教師專業發展 ; 觀課議課 ; 中國大陸 ; open class ; teacher's professional development ; class viewing and discussion ; China Mainland




42期(2019 / 11 / 01)


153 - 189






This study focuses on Guangdong Province which is similar to Taiwan on the treatment of teachers, understands the relationship between the open class and the teacher's professional development deeply,explores the significance and influence of the open class in practice by deep interview. The study found that the open class in mainland China has a great influence and help for the professional development of teachers,especially for the professional development of new teachers. Because the open class provides a platform for colleagues to exchange professional knowledge,learn and reflect,as well as the atmosphere of emotional support,it can promote teachers to precept themselves(advantages and disadvantages)and reflect(teaching behavior, belief, etc.)so as to improve teaching,form a professional community with common purpose and mutual support and form the teacher culture of mutual help and growth in profession initially. At the same time,there are disputes in participants,motivation,preparation and the process of viewing,including the open class provides young and middle-aged teachers more opportunities for professional development and exercise, but causes a disadvantageous atmosphere for the professional development of senior teachers; although the external interests brought by the open class can promote teachers to participate actively,it weakens the inner power of teachers' professional development;in addition, the open class stimulates the teacher to produce a professional study of action research in the process of preparation, it may also have an impact on the effectiveness of the students' learning. The reason why the open class causes disputes is that the mechanism for the open class belongs to the"organization in"mode of teachers' professional development. From the root,the open class mechanism conceals the development concept of "teachers are lack of ability", negative effects on the open class are produced. In the end, the study provides some suggestions for the "public class viewing and class discussion" system in Taiwan's school and the follow-up study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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