


A Study of Health Support Systems Needed by Elementary School Teachers to Care for Schoolchildren: A Discussion from the Perspective of Health Literacy


關婉玲(Wan-Ling Kuan);何青蓉(Ching-Jung Ho)


國小學童健康 ; 健康識能 ; 健康促進學校 ; 健康支持系統 ; Health Support System for Elementary School Children ; Health Literacy ; Health-promoting School ; Health Support System




44期(2020 / 11 / 01)


93 - 137






Health literacy as a personal and environmental quality is an intermediary factor for the promotion of health, and schools and communities share a close interaction in the system formation of health dynamics. The present study takes a boarding elementary school as its subject of research. Using focus groups, interviews were conducted with four groups of eighteen administrators and instructors related to the health care of schoolchildren to probe the establishment of a health system needed by elementary school teachers in charge of caring for schoolchildren. The study discovered that teachers in this case-study school encountered three problems and proposed ways to resolve them. There are the need for a complete course for health literacy training, the need for administrators to establish an organic solidarity relationship, and the need for schools to form a systematic disease prevention program to alleviate the burden of teachers. In the conclusion, the study proposes that teachers need complete health literacy and have a system in the four areas of "teacher health literacy training," "teacher social support," "school hygiene policy integrating health services and disease prevention, combined with a material environment," and "improved community healing" to form a health support system. It also recommends that further studies should be conducted to establish indexes for operations, and to develop questionnaires for quantitative assessments to evaluate the efficacy of health systems established by various schools for the promotion of health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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