


A New Learning Solution for Education- A Study on the Mobile Museum Corner Learning Module


黃宗超(Tsung-Chao Huang);張世宗(Shih-Tsung Chang)


教育學習方案 ; 行動博物館 ; 角落學習 ; Educational learning programs ; Mobile museums ; Corner learning




46期(2021 / 11 / 01)


1 - 35






Today, "few births and aging", "informatization" and "artificial intelligence" have impacted the formal learning system. Schools as a formal learning system have always focused on passively instilling knowledge, and learning aids are mainly audio-visual, ignoring the importance of active learning and multi-sensory learning. In response to the issues, this study proposes a "Mobile Museum Corner Learning Module" as a solution. This solution combines the rich and interesting learning resources of the museum with curriculum-based learning content. Through the mobile "learning box", the operable physical objects are transported to each learning corner for multi-sensory contact experience and VR. integrated learning experience. Each "learning box" provides operable learning materials for a "learning unit", and provides learners with free and self-guided learning. This solution is suitable for the elderly who receive lifelong education, and even school students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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