Through the preliminary exploration of qualitative research, this research takes boy students from the Chinese department of normal university as the research object. Through the inspection of the school's life experience, we understand their cultural codes and learning life, and are the basis of the gender reproduction in the educational field. The educational form is reflexive thinking. Facing the gender expectations of the society, boy students in the Chinese Department of normal colleges responded to their learning environment and formed a unique boy student culture in order to show masculinity, trying to respond actively to the cold in society, and to face the traditions in the learning environment in a creative way. The cultural code of the group is 'Chinese Wicked Man'. This research attempts to understand the history of boy students entering nontraditional major departments, depict students' thoughts and actions, and analyze them in a social and cultural context, and explore differences within groups to examine the issue of gender inequality in social structure for demonstration. Pay attention to the action strategies of students' intention to change the social structure, and through the description of boy students' culture, the gender issues in the education field have a deeper reflection and change.
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