In 2021, the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, launched "the Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College (the BEST Program)" which expanded EMI teacher training. The present study used surveys and interview to track cross-university instructors' changes in their teacher professional development. The study finds that: (1) All participants had positive changes reaching level of significance in terms of their EMI knowledge, EMI self-efficacy and EMI attitude after attending the workshop. However, all participants' statistics dropped in the middle of the semester. (2) The workshop triggered instructors who have EMI teaching experience to reflect on their teaching. It also helps instructors who do not have EMI teaching experience construct positive imagination toward EMI teaching. (3) Although the workshop has raised instructors' self-efficacy toward teaching foreign students, instructors maintain low self-efficacy toward teaching domestic students. (4) Core teacher professional development features 'duration' and 'collective learning' were not fully met as instructors found universities' lack of active EMI teacher professional communities to sustain their professional development after the training. (5) Instructors found little incentives have been provided to domestic students to take EMI courses. Also, the requirement of English use in class set by the BEST Program may deter domestic students from enrolling EMI courses. Instructors who taught EMI courses in Fall 2021 Semester particularly indicated that, (1) since many courses at universities do not have textbooks, strategies to make or adapt EMI teaching materials were insufficient in the workshop; (2) students' divergent English proficiencies posed challenges to apply EMI teaching techniques in practices. Instructors also feel difficult to reach the targeted English used in classroom set by the Minister of Education.
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