


A Study on the Relationships among Family Function, Parent-Adolescent Conflict, Coping Strategies, and Life Adjustment of College Students




邱紹一(Shao-I Chiu);胡秀媛(Hsiu-Yuan Hu)


家庭功能 ; 親子衝突 ; 因應策略 ; 生活適應 ; Family Function ; Parent-Adolescent Conflict ; Coping Strategies ; Life Adjustment




2卷2期(2009 / 09 / 01)


77 - 102




本研究主要的目的在探討大專學生知覺的家庭功能、親子衝突、因應策略與生活適應之間的徑路關係。研究採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,使用之工具爲「父子衝突量表」、「母子衝突量表」、「父子衝突因應策略量表」、「母子衝突因應策略量表」、「修訂家庭功能評量表」、「修訂學生在校行爲問卷」。研究對象爲國內八所大專院校960名在籍學生。經多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法分析後,研究結果如下: 一、家庭功能能夠預測父子/母子衝突的程度,且家庭功能愈高,父子/母子間的衝突愈低。 二、父子/母子衝突的程度可以預測大專學生在面對父子/母子衝突時所採用的因應策略。 三、不論在父子衝突或母子衝突方面,家庭功能對大專學生生活適應皆有正向的直接影響。 四、不論在父子衝突或母子衝突方面,研究結果均顯示,親子衝突程度對大專學生生活適應皆有負向的直接影響。 五、父子衝突因應策略與母子衝突因應策略對大專學生生活適應皆有直接的影響。 六、在父子衝突與母子衝突部分皆顯示:家庭功能可藉由影響父子/母子衝突而間接影響大專學生生活適應;也可藉由影響父子/母子衝突與父子/母子衝突因應策略,而間接影響大專學生生活適應。 七、在父子衝突和母子衝突方面都顯示,親子衝突對生活適應的直接影響較家庭功能對大專學生生活適應的直接影響大。 八、家庭功能對生活適應之主要影響徑路: (一)在父子衝突方面,家庭功能透過影響父子衝突而間接影響大專學生生活適應。 (二)在母子衝突方面,家庭功能透過影響母子衝突與母子衝突因應策略,進而間接影響大專學生生活適應。 本研究並根據研究結果,對大專學生、父母與教育單位提出相關建議。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among family function, parent-adolescent conflict, coping strategies, and life adjustment. The subjects were 738 students drawn from 8 different colleges in Taipei. The instruments used in the study included revised Family Assessment Device, Father-Adolescent Conflict Scale, Father-Adolescent Conflict Coping Strategies Scale, Mother-Adolescent Conflict Scale, Mother-Adolescent Conflict Coping Strategies Scale, revised Behaviors-In-School Inventory. The data were statistically analyzed by multiple-stepwise regression, and the major findings were as follows: 1.Parent-adolescent conflict could be significantly predicted by family function. Specifically, adolescents who perceived higher family function would perceive lower father-adolescent conflict and mother-adolescent conflict. 2.Coping strategies could be significantly predicted by both father-adolescent conflict and mother-adolescent conflict . 3.Life adjustment could be predicted significantly by family function. Specifically, adolescents who perceived higher family function would perceive better life adjustment. 4.Life adjustment could be predicted significantly by parent-adolescent conflict. Specifically, adolescents who perceived lower parent-adolescent conflict would perceive better life adjustment. 5.Life adjustment could be predicted significantly by parent-adolescent conflict coping strategies. 6.There was an indirect effect of family function on life adjustment mediated by parent-adolescent conflict. In addition, there was an indirect effect of family function on life adjustment mediated by parent-adolescent conflict and parent-adolescent conflict coping strategies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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