


The Model of the Behavioral Intention of Potential Consumers in Taiwan's Interactive TV market




鄭青展(Ching-Chan Cheng);蔡明春(Ming-Chun Tsai);張雅媛(Ya-Yuan Chang)


互動電視 ; 計畫行爲理論 ; 科技接受模式 ; 潛在消費者 ; Interactive TV ; Theory of Planned Behavior TPB ; Technology Acceptance Model TAM ; Potential Consumer




3卷2期(2010 / 09 / 01)


24 - 53




隨著網路科技的不斷進步,電視的發展與演進結合了網路數位化的技術推出新型態的互動電視,而面對新科技的推出,瞭解潛在消費者對該科技的行爲意向及其影響因素有其必要性。因此本研究以計畫行爲理論(TPB)與科技接受模式(TAM)之理論架構爲基礎,來建立台灣互動電視潛在消費者行爲意向模式。在研究方法上,本研究以台灣互動電視潛在消費者爲研究對象,利用互動電視門市及網路兩種方式蒐集資料,成功蒐集262份有效樣本,並利用結構方程模式(SEM)進行資料分析。藉由信效度之驗證結果發現,本研究所發展之模式比Choi et al.(2003)之模式具有更佳的信效度。經路徑分析得知,態度是影響台灣互動電視潛在消費者行爲意向之主要因素,而態度信念中的知覺娛樂爲其關鍵變數;此結果與南韓潛在消費者行爲意向之主要影響爲主觀規範有所差異。


Along with the continuous development in network technology, the development and evolution of television (TV) has incorporated with the technology of network digitalization to develop the new pattern and style Interactive TV. In addition, while encountering the launch of new technology, the understanding of the behavioral intention and influential factor of consumers to such technology is become more important than before. Therefore, this study has referred the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and technology acceptance model (TAM) to develop the Model of the Behavioral Intention of Potential Consumers in Taiwan's Interactive TV market. As for the methodology of this study, the potential consumers in Taiwan's interactive TV market has been adopted as the research object of this study, and utilized the retailers of interactive TV and network to collect the data, which has successfully collected 262 valid samples. After data collection, this study has applied the Structured Equation Modeling (SEM) to conduct the analysis on the collected data. Through the demonstrated result of reliability and validity, the model of this study has better reliability and validity than the model of Choi et al. (2003). The research result showed that the term ”attitude” is the key factor in influencing the behavioral intention of potential consumers in Taiwan, and the enjoyment from attitudinal belief is the key element, and it is different from the subjective norm which is the key influential factor for the behavioral intention of potential consumers in South Korea.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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