Aapplying creation and design to the cultural industry, has been very popular and have good marketing results. However, the current study is actually less for the cultural life of learning and the practical application of design discussions. Therefore, this study design for college students who participate in the cultural and creative design courses into service learning experience and allow students to experience the culture from the life and design expertise in order to help Tamsui ”Fu-Yo Temple” to do the cultural creative design and marketing. In this study, the curriculum into learning mode, students service and learn around the environment, and in-depth they understand their cultural identity and market demand. The results can be summarized into five areas: (1) to promote cultural learning efficiency, (2) to promote personal development and cultural awareness, (3) to cultivate civic consciousness and responsibility, (4) to contribute for the community, and (5) to enhance the capacity of the cultural and creative design.The results find that the students, to enhance learning efficiency, personal development, civic responsibility and contribution for society's satisfaction, have a significant difference. There are different opinions and ideas about the application of cultural and creative design and the obligation for society to pay. Service units also given three recommendations for student services and design process: (1) the effectiveness of the cultural and creative design, (2) proactive attitude, (3) learning from the spirit of cooperation. The results show that there are no significant differences on behalf of the co-operation with the performance of the students in the service learning large supreme sense of satisfaction, and positive assessment. Based on the findings, the research will propose amendments to the syllabus content in order to enhance the sense of responsibility and professional design skills upgrading student civic service.
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