The importance of mathematics teaching expertise of teachers in primary school has been emphasized recently. For ensuring primary school mathematics teachers have enough expertise in mathematics teaching, the research suggests incorporating ”mathematics teaching knowledge” into the teacher qualification test. Mentors play a key role for student teachers during the internship. The mentoring strategies adopted directly impact the effectiveness of the internship. As a result, it is important to study the topic of how to mentor student teachers with different mathematics experiences to learn mathematics teaching skills. The purposes of this study were to understand the current mathematics teaching internship process, examine support strategies mentors provided to student teachers during the stages of the mathematic teaching mentoring process, and analyze the student teachers' subjective judgment of different support strategies. Questionnaires were used in this study. From the 226 questionnaires, we received 198 effective replies. Data were analyzed by descriptive-statistics, Chi-square test and independent sample t-test. The results revealed: 1) there are huge differences among student teachers' mathematics teaching internships experiences, 2) personal support, classroom support, professional support, evaluative support, and reflective support are strategies used by mentors in the mentoring process, 3) student teachers regarded ”recognition and compliments”, ”instructing or modeling effective methods of instruction”, ”giving independent freedom”, ”providing immediate and sincere feedback” as the most helpful strategies to their mathematics teaching learning, 4) mentors with mathematic teaching background will do more ”instructing or modeling effective methods of instruction” than those without that background, and 5) the most effective support to improve student teachers in mathematic teaching was classroom support. Finally, we had further discussions on the study results and provided suggestions towards mathematic teaching mentoring support strategies and future studies.
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