


Facilitating Science Teachers' Professional Development in Inquiry-Based Teaching using the MAIT Website




余忠潔(Chung-Chieh Yu);段曉林(Hsiao-Lin Tuan)


數位網站 ; 探究教學 ; 概念改變 ; 自我效能 ; 教師專業成長 ; Learning website ; inquiry teaching ; conceptual change ; self-efficacy ; teacher professional development




10卷1期(2017 / 04 / 01)


105 - 133






The modern trends in science education involve an open-ended approach that requires students to learn science by investigating concepts themselves. This open-ended approach means that teachers need to believe in it, and are enabled to conduct inquiry-based teaching. This study aimed to establish a website (MAIT) to facilitate teachers’ inquiry-based teaching competency by adopting strategies associated with conceptual change and the development of teacher self-efficacy. We investigated teachers’ conceptual development with regard to inquiry-based teaching in the learning environment provided by MAIT and discussed the relationship between teachers’ beliefs about inquiry-based teaching and their teaching practices. In the first stage of this research, twenty-five in-service teachers taking the "Instructional Principles and Strategies in Science and Mathematics" course participated in the research. MAIT was included in the course to assist in teachers’ learning. In the second stage, seventeen in-service teachers took the course online using MAIT. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect the data which were subsequently analyzed and the results combined. The method of video analysis was also used. The results indicated that participating teachers in the first stage showed significant improvement in their understanding of inquiry-based teaching. The results showed that MAIT could provide "vicarious experience", "verbal persuasion", "performance accomplishments", "creating a learning environment" and "accompanying learning". In the second stage, it was noted that teachers’ preference for a specific learning approach depended on their levels of self-efficacy. Teachers with high self-efficacy tended to focus on "guided-inquiry teaching", "considerations on inquiry teaching" and "developing inquiry teaching perspectives", and preferred more open-ended inquiry-based activities. In contrast, teachers with low self-efficacy focused on "designing inquiry teaching", "considering their own teaching" and "developing inquiry perspectives". They engaged in more structured inquiry-based activities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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