


Teacher's Belief, Professional Commitment and Classroom Management Effectiveness: A Comparison of Novice and Senior Teachers in Junior and Senior High Schools in Taiwan




林易萱(Yi-Hsuan Lin);龔心怡(Hsin-Yi Kung)


班級經營效能 ; 教師信念 ; 專業承諾 ; 新手教師 ; 資深教師 ; classroom management effectiveness ; teacher's belief ; professional commitment ; novice teacher ; senior teacher




10卷2期(2017 / 08 / 01)


111 - 138






The purpose of this study was to explore whether teaching experience has an impact on teacher's belief, professional commitment and classroom management effectiveness. The sample comprised 150 novice teachers and 152 senior teachers from public junior and senior high schools in Taiwan. A survey questionnaire was used to collect the data which were then analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study were as follows: first, teachers' beliefs, professional commitment and classroom management effectiveness were at a medium-high level for both novice and senior teachers. Second, years of teaching had no significant differences on teachers' beliefs. Third, there was a significant difference between novice and senior teachers in terms of their professional commitment, with senior teachers indicating higher motivation for advanced studies compared to novice teachers. Fourth, there were significant differences in classroom management effectiveness. Senior teachers had better classroom management effectiveness in terms of applying class rules, organizing the learning environment, teaching quality and students' academic achievement. Fifth, teachers' professional identity can positively predict classroom management effectiveness among novices. Finally, teachers' professional identity, job involvement and teacher-student relationship can positively predict classroom management effectiveness among senior teachers. In general, the joint predictive effects of teachers' beliefs and teachers' professional commitment in predicting classroom management effectiveness appeared to be higher for senior teachers than for novices. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions are proposed for teachers, schools, educational administration institutions and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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