The main purpose of this study was to develop the Scientific Multi-Text Reading Comprehension Assessment (SMTRCA), and to explore whether gender differences exist in the performance of scientific multi-text reading comprehension. 1535 students from grade 5 to 9 participated in this study. To this end, we used scientific texts describing the dispute regarding whether to continue the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant construction in Taiwan, and developed assessment items according to our rubric. Test items included 11 close-ended and 8 open-ended questions and were categorized into 4 subscales: information retrieval, information generalization, information interpretation, and information integration. Base on the test results, we explored the gender differences of scientific multi-text reading comprehension ability in grades 5-9 children. The analysis results showed that the Cronbach's α values were above .80, indicating that the intra-rater consistency was good. Secondly, Kendall's coefficient of concordance was more than .79 and its p value was smaller than .001, denoting a consistent scoring pattern between raters. Additionally, except for the information interpretation subscale, Cronbach's α values for the other three sub-scales were larger than .70, indicating that they were all within acceptable range. Thirdly, confirmatory factor analysis showed an acceptable goodness-of-fit among the SMTRCA and the four factors. The SMTRCA accounted for .68, .35, .81, and .73 of the variance associated with the first order factors of 4 subscales. Finally, the results of Independent-Sample T Test and two-way ANOVA showed no significant gender differences in the comprehension ability of the children in grades 5 -9. But the performance of girls was significantly better than boys in their interpretation ability. Additionally, there were no gender differences in the scientific multi-text reading comprehension ability of the children in grade 5. However, there were significant gender differences in the scientific multi-text reading comprehension ability of the children in grades 6 -9, and the performance of girls was better than boys.
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林小慧(2015)。嘉義縣=Chiayi,國立中正大學=National Chung Cheng University。