


Content Analysis of the Self-regulation Learning Strategies Adopted by Pre-service Teachers at the Education Practicum Stage




林倚萱(Yi-Shun Lin);羅家玲(Jia-Ling Luo);林清文(Ching-Wen Lin)


自我調整 ; 教育實習 ; 實習任務 ; self-regulation learning ; education practicum ; internship tasks




11卷3期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 30






With the trend of refinement for pre-service teacher education, it is important to provide effective counseling strategies to pre-service teachers and to enhance their self-directed learning abilities. This study applied the self-regulation learning strategies program based on Zimmerman (1989). Participating pre-service teachers were required to keep records of their tasks during the internship process, and to attend the monthly workshops held during a three month period for the purpose of group supervision. The basic internship tasks included: teaching, class management, administration, professional growth, and interpersonal relationships. The records of 37 participants and 429 self-regulated learning worksheets were analyzed. The results show that, due to differences in the nature of the internship tasks, pre-service teachers tended to adjust the ways they applied the self-adjustment strategies to the contents of different tasks. Facing various internship tasks, in regard to self-evaluation, positive self-evaluation was used most often, followed by strategic attribution. Regarding self-response, they adjusted strategies the most often. According to the results, this study suggests: 1. Self-regulated learning could be used to train pre-service teachers, study their practicum experience, and enhance their self-adjustment ability. 2. This model can be used to understand pre-service teachers’ perspectives regarding the values of the internship tasks, and to explore their intrinsic values. 3. Provide more training on self-adjustment; for example, willpower is generally the weakest among preservice teachers. 4. This model can be used as a self-adjustment program for group counseling during internship. 5. This model could be adopted for counseling pre-service teachers and for enhancing their learning and application of the self-adjustment strategies. 6. Suggestions for further research design and analysis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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