


A Study of Impact of Board-Game-Integrated English Teaching in a Junior High Class on Students' Learning Engagement




石裕惠(Yu-Hui Shih);蔡文榮(Wenrong Tsay)


桌遊 ; 桌上遊戲 ; 國中英語教學 ; 學習投入 ; board games ; tabletop games ; junior high school English teaching ; learning engagement




12卷1期(2019 / 04 / 01)


127 - 161






The study examines the effects of board-game-integrated English teaching on junior high school students' English learning engagement. Adopting the non-equivalent control group design in a quasi-experiment, this study's sample of 77 ninth graders was selected from two classes at a municipal junior high school in Taichung. One of the classes was the experimental group, while the other was the control group. Students in the experimental group were taught based on the pedagogy of board-game-integrated English teaching, while those in the control group received typical didactic instruction. The experiment lasted for 8 weeks. The research used the scale of engagement as the instrument for pre-test and post-test and analyzed students' scores on the scale by one-way independent-sample ANCOVA to distinguish the differences of students' English learning engagement in the two groups. A t-test was applied to the experimental group to determine the extent of the difference between pre-test and post-test scores in learning engagement. In addition, a classroom observation checklist was used to determine the extent of engagement in the experimental group. The findings revealed that the effect of board-game-integrated English teaching on junior high school students' English learning engagement was not significantly different between the two groups. However, the learning engagement of the experimental group after the experiment was higher than that before the experiment. In addition, according to the data from classroom observation checklists, the experimental group showed higher engagement in English class. Finally, based on the findings this research provides some recommendations for future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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