
Cool English平臺教材融入教學對國小四年級學生英語聽讀學習成效與學習動機影響之研究


A Study of the Effects on Learning Achievement of English Listening & Reading and Learning Motivation by Applying "Cool English" to Elementary School Students' Instruction




李佳琪(Chia-Chi Li);洪智倫(Chih-Lun Hung)


Cool English ; 數位教材 ; 學習成效 ; 學習動機 ; Cool English ; online teaching materials ; learning achievement ; learning motivation




12卷1期(2019 / 04 / 01)


163 - 205




本研究旨在探討運用教育部最新建置的「Cool English」英語線上學習平臺之數位教材,融入國民小學四年級英語教學,對國小學生在英語聽力理解與單字句子認讀方面的學習成效與英語學習動機之影響。本研究採準實驗設計,選取臺中市某國小四年級學童,實驗組與控制組各為45人共90人,實驗處理為進行為期十週Cool English平臺教材融入英語電子書教學課程,控制組則為一般講述式英語電子書教學。實驗組與控制組在實驗教學前、後分別以「英語聽讀能力評量卷」進行測驗,以分析其學習成效;實驗教學後,實驗組與控制組再以「教材動機量表」進行施測,以瞭解其學習動機之差異。研究結果發現:1. Cool English平臺教材融入英語教學活動,能提升國小學童之英語聽讀整體學習成效,實驗組聽讀總分提升高於控制組,並達顯著差異;然而將聽讀能力分開考驗,並未達顯著差異。2.實驗組前後測平均數差異高於控制組,然而不論平臺教材融入的實驗組或僅用電子書的控制組,皆使用電腦科技融入英語教學活動,因此英語整體聽讀學習成效,都達顯著的進步。3. Cool English線上平臺融入英語教學活動,對提升國小學童之整體英語學習動機,並沒有顯著差異,但在引起注意和感到滿足二動機因素的差異表現,實驗組得分顯著優於控制組;本研究結果可提供國小英語科教師應用數位平臺資源融入教學的參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the effects on learning achievement of English listening & reading comprehension and learning motivation by applying "Cool English" online teaching materials, set up by the Ministry of Education (MOE), to 4th graders' English instruction. A quasi-experimental design was adopted in this study, and 90 4th graders in a district of Taichung City were selected. Forty-five sample students were defined as the treatment group, and the 45 belonged to the control group. A ten-week teaching experiment was conducted on the treatment group, while didactic e-book teaching was done on the control group. The data of pre-test and post-test scores from the listening & reading comprehension test were aimed at analyzing students' English learning achievement. At the end of the teaching experiment, the data of Instructional Materials Motivation Scale were collected to examine the difference in students' learning motivation. The conclusions are as follows. 1. By applying "Cool English" online teaching materials to English instruction, students' learning achievement of both listening and reading could be improved. For the scores of the listening and reading test, the treatment group was higher than the control group. There is a significant difference between two groups, but there is no significant difference when statistically testing the listening scores and reading comprehension scores respectively. 2. There is a significant difference in the learning achievement of both groups, as all students were instructed by using computers and information technology. 3. There is no significant difference in students' whole learning motivation, but there is a significant difference in two motivational factors: "attention" and "satisfaction". Finally, the findings of this study offer some evidence for reference for English teachers at elementary schools who want to apply e-Learning resources to their instruction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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