The purpose of this study was to explore the influence factors of retention of 326 rural area elementary school teachers in Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were applied to analyze data. The findings are as follows. First, teachers perceived a moderate level of retention. Second, in terms of voluntary retention, the scores of teachers over 51 years old were significantly higher than those younger than 50 years old. The scores of married teachers were significantly higher than unmarried teachers. The scores of teachers in Nantou were significantly higher than that of Taichung and Changhua. The scores of those with teaching years of employment over 11 years were significantly higher than those with teaching years of employment less than 11 years. The scores of teachers with an administrative position were significantly higher than those of subject teachers and homeroom teachers. The scores of local resident teachers were significantly higher than of non-resident teachers. Third, in terms of involuntary retention, the scores of teachers between 31 to 40 years old were significantly higher than other age groups. The scores of teachers with teaching years of employment less than 5 years were significantly higher than those with teaching years of employment more than 6 years. The scores of non-resident teachers were significantly higher than those of local resident teachers. Fourth, the variables of material status, different cities, and school identification significantly predict retention, and the variable of school identification was the strongest one. The suggestions of the findings were made for educational authorities, rural area elementary schools, and future researchers.
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