


Development of Bilingual Education - A Case Study of a Junior High School with a Bilingual Curriculum in Taipei City of Taiwan




劉堯馨(Yao-Hsin Liu);林子斌(Tzu-Bin Lin)


個案研究 ; 雙語教育 ; 雙語教師社群 ; 雙語教師增能 ; Case Study ; Bilingual Education ; Bilingual Teacher Professional Learning Community ; Bilingual Teacher Professional Growth




16卷1期(2023 / 04 / 01)


29 - 55






The purpose of this study is to explore how a bilingual teaching team is formed and cultivated through a professional bilingual teacher learning community and teacher professional growth. This study chose qualitative case study as its research framework to deeply understand how to implement bilingual education in junior high schools. It selected a bilingual experimental curriculum school in Taipei and analyzed the background and development of its bilingual education. This study used the "fertile" bilingual model as the analysis framework to explore those factors that could affect the implementation of bilingual education in junior high schools. The findings are as follows. First, bilingual teachers could benefit from attending teacher training programs, workshops, and related activities in the aspect of their self-efficacy and to increase their teaching strategies. Second, the contexts and accesses of bilingual teacher training should be verified, diversified and given more flexibility. Third, a bilingual teacher professional community provides a platform for maintaining bilingual teachers' instruction strategies and cooperation between administrators and teachers. Fourth, the composition of the community should be local English teacher and bilingual subject teachers. Lastly, this study put forward some reflections and suggestions on the implementation of bilingual education in junior high schools in Taiwan and serves as a reference for Taiwan to promote bilingual education nationwide.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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