Drawing upon Descriptive Translation Studies as its theoretical framework, this paper conducts a case study on English-Chinese news trans-editing and uses news quotation as a key to explore ideology-related norms. Quotation is an integral part of news reports and is generally regarded as "neutral" reproduction of statements made by cited sources. However, it is usually adopted by journalists to implicitly communicate "subjective" viewpoints. Quotation is thus an essential textual aspect which can assist in investigating ideology-related norms. The source texts covered in the case study are taken from the "New York Times" and the "Washington Post", and their trans-edited versions from the "China Times", the "United Daily News" and the "Liberty Times". The main news events featured in the case study revolve around China-Taiwan political conflicts. After introducing the contextual factors surrounding the target texts, this paper compares the source and target news texts in terms of cited sources and quotation contents to identify recurrent patterns which emerge with regard to the trans-editing of quotation. Then, against the target contextual factors, possible ideological reasons behind the recurrent patterns are investigated, which in turn leads to the inference of ideology-related norms. The analysis shows that the norms imposed by the three target newspapers are very much alike due to their similar contexts. However, the specific strategies adopted by each target newspaper's trans-editing members to help themselves conform to the norms are different. This study further suggests (1) the importance of keeping a good balance between obeying trans-editing norms and following ethics in news reporting, and (2) the application of trans-editing norms to translation teaching and training.
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