


Tokutomi Roka;"Nami-ko";Lin Shu;Sino-Japanese War;sentimental/patriotic novel




潘少瑜(Shaw-Yu Pan)


德富蘆花 ; 《不如歸》 ; 林紓 ; 甲午戰爭 ; 言情╱愛國小說 ; Tokutomi Roka ; Nami-ko ; Lin Shu ; Sino-Japanese War ; sentimental/patriotic novel




5卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


97 - 120






"Nami-ko" (1898-1899) by the Japanese writer Tokutomi Roka (1868-1927) was extremely popular during Meiji Japan and was translated into numerous languages. The first Chinese translation of this sentimental melodrama was rendered in 1908 by Lin Shu (1852-1924) and his interpreter Wei Yi (1880-1932), and this Chinese version was an immediate success in the literary market. The major theme of "Nami-ko" is the conflict between conjugal affection and the feudal family. Although Tokutomi condemns the feudal family which destroys the romantic love between husband and wife, he takes the "motherland" to be the refuge of heartbroken lovers. This peculiar way of combining sentimental and patriotic elements created a new type of romantic hero and influenced many future "sentimental/patriotic" novels in modern China. The foremost attraction of Nami-ko to late Qing readers was its depiction of conjugal love and problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law; however, Lin purposely ignored this side of the story, for the reason that he chose to translate this novel based on his patriotic feelings. In "Nami-ko", Tokutomi describes the Sino-Japanese War (1894) in detail, thus providing Lin with a wonderful opportunity to comment on the fiasco of the Qing navy and clear his Fujian soldiers' reputation. Interestingly, Lin argued that this melodrama, though written by a Japanese writer, could help prove the Chinese soldiers' bravery. Taking full advantage of his translator status, Lin promoted his ideas of military tactics and criticized the problems of the Qing government in his commentary in the translation. The complex interaction and contradiction between author intention, translator strategy, and reader response have made Lin Shu's translation of "Nami-ko" an intriguing and illuminating case for the study of late Qing literary translation history.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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