This study explores the feasibility of establishing a government-sponsored English abstract service for Taiwan's humanities and social sciences (H&SS) publications. The key issues are how to select the H&SS publications to be promoted, and thus given clear English abstracts, and how to enhance the quality of the English abstracts via systematic review. Focus groups and in-depth interviews were used to collect experts' and stakeholders' opinions and suggestions regarding such a program. Most participants viewed the proposed plan positively and offered suggestions regarding the potential problems it might face. To launch the project effectively and have an immediate impact, government agencies may consider two options for the initial stage of implementation: book selection and the writing of English abstracts may be undertaken by scholars in different H&SS fields, working on commission, or it may be undertaken by a reputable academic publisher. Furthermore, government agencies should publish the results of these projects in the form of a scholarly journal. Multiple channels of communication such as websites, newsletters, RSS and Web 2.0 applications may be used to widely promote these English abstracts.
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