


Creating Extended English Abstracts for Taiwan’s Scholarly Books in the Humanities and Social Sciences: An Implementation Study




林奇秀(Chi-Shiou Lin);林慶隆(Ching-Lung Lin);邵婉卿(Wang-Ching Shaw);張婕妤(Chieh-Yu Chang)


中書英摘 ; 英文摘述 ; 摘要製作 ; 摘要規範 ; English abstracts for Chinese-language books ; library books ; humanities and social sciences ; English translations ; library science




9卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


1 - 36




本研究透過實作分析來探討臺灣人文社會學術專書之英文長摘產製過程中可能遭遇的問題,並提出可行的因應策略。具體而言,本研究的目的有三:(1)實際製作中書英摘成品,了解現行規劃的中書英摘產製模式是否可行;(2)分析中書英摘成品,評析英摘內容是否有可加以改進之處;(3)探討中書英摘製作人員在製作英摘時所遭遇的實務問題,並嘗試規劃及設計解決方案與配套措施。本研究自近年由國教院補助出版的人文社會學術專著中,挑選15 本主題互異、內容具有臺灣特色者,並兼容不同論著形式(單一研究或論文合集),用以實際製作英文長摘及電子書。同時,本研究亦從摘要製作過程的審查紀錄、深度訪談譯者所得之實作經驗中,歸結出中書英摘實作過程中會遭遇的翻譯技術問題,以及中摘製作、整體計畫執行時須注意的事項,並據此提出研究結論與建議。本研究的貢獻在於確認摘要專業編修是英摘產製過程中重要的加值工作、提出摘要英譯時可能發生的問題與解決策略,並歸納出未來大規模推動中書英摘工作時需注意的問題,包含團隊溝通與稿酬等問題。


This study examined the feasibility of supplying extended English-language abstracts for Taiwan’s scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences (H&SS). First, it sought to determine the potential difficulty of doing the necessary abstracting and translation work. Second, it sought to determine the feasibility of improving the quality of extended English abstracts by beginning to do so and then evaluating the relative degree of difficulty of this task. Third, it sought to identify problems that may arise in the course of engaging in such a project and to propose ways of facilitating future large-scale implementation of the project. Fifteen H&SS scholarly books that had been sponsored by the National Academy for Educational Research were chosen for the pilot study. Each featured a unique topic that concerned Taiwan, and the selection included both standard books and compilations of independent essays. Informed by action research, this study adopted a reflexive analysis approach to analyze the data, which were collected via in-depth interviews with the abstractors and translators as well as review logs. The study identified the problems encountered in the production of Chinese abstracts as well as in their extended English translations. The findings showed that professional abstracting skills will significantly improve the end-products. Translation problems that might arise in producing English abstracts for scholarly texts and strategies for facilitating the future implementation of this project were also discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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