


A Corpus-based Study of the Translators’ Strategies in the Two Chinese Versions of Nineteen Eighty-Four




李克莉(Ke-Li Li);邵斌(Bin Shao)


《一九八四》 ; 翻譯策略 ; 語料庫語言學 ; 董樂山 ; 劉紹銘 ; 歸化 ; 異化 ; Nineteen Eighty-Four ; translation strategies ; corpus linguistics ; Dong Leshan ; Lau Shiuming, domestication ; foreignization




9卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


101 - 129






This paper adopts a corpus-based approach to comparing and contrasting the translation strategies employed by Dong Leshan (1998) and Lau Shiuming (2011) in their translations of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. The linguistic features at the hypotactic level are retrieved from the self-constructed translation corpora and analyzed quantitatively. Statistics shows that the two translators differ significantly in the employment of modal particles, prepositions, pronouns, classifiers and conjunctions. Equivalent textual examples from the two Chinese versions are analyzed qualitatively to illustrate the two translators’ different translation strategies. The reasons for such differences are further discussed from social/cultural perspectives, and also taking into account the translators’ personal ideals regarding the ultimate goal of literary translation. The findings of this study indicate that Dong Leshan tends to adopt a foreignization approach to translation while Lau Shiuming opts for domestication strategies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
社會科學 > 教育學
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